Get your head in the Game

Happy 2017!!!

By now I’m sure you are knee deep in lists of resolution or you are proclaiming that you don’t make resolutions. Whatever your view of resolutions may be, this time of year tends to be one of reflection and reevaluation.

This time last year I resolved to learn more about the brain and how it works. Along with finding that my actual brain has difficulty comprehending how the brain works I learned or was reminded that the brain is really the hub of our being.  It controls everything from how we breath, where we go, what we do and who we love. Our brain protects us from danger, distracts us, drives us and sometimes lets us down.

Whatever your resolution is, boosting your brain health will help you get there. I looked at several lists of resolutions and began to discuss how each resolution is impacted by brain health, it soon became redundant. Whether you are wanting to lose weight, save money, improve relationships, live life fully, quit smoking or run a marathon, it all begins with having a healthy brain that is capable of making healthy, intentional choices. While I scrapped that draft I did want to share this article  which describes the correlation between the brain and weight fluctuation. You could really apply it to most unhealthy choice cycles we become wrapped up in.

So here is my resolution. For the next month I will post simple easy quick brain boosting tips or exercises that will enhance what ever your resolutions are. To participate ‘like’ my facebook page  and you will receive quick doable daily challenges to enhance your goals for 2017. If you don’t have any goals or don’t believe in making goals boosting your brain health is still pretty much a no brainer.